Crystal Sonic Therapy Level 1

Registered with The Complimentary Medical Association

Sound is Creation, Sound is Energy, Sound is Vibration. Creation, Energy and Vibration are the pulsation of Spanda in the traditions of Tantra in Yoga; Shiva contracts, Shakti expands. Pulsation is the vibration, the manifestation of the play between Shiva and Shakti, the contraction and expansion of everything around and within us.

Nada Yoga is the Yoga of Sound - sound healing.

Syncopating with the pulse of life, the magic of Sound will move energy to exactly where it needs to reach, change or heal. Sound is a powerful healer and can shift, unravel or bring clarity to things, thoughts or emotions that may be feeling a little stuck or expand into a deeper knowing, consciousness.

The divine set of alchemy sound bowls, each unique, and together, playing in harmony: self-love, self-knowing, self-trust, self-compassion and self-union.

Nourishing and nurturing a state of deep relaxation, the alchemy sound bowls will meet you exactly where you are.

Trained with Genevra Jolie and Julia Scott-Russell – Crystal Sonic Practice  

Inspired by Shiva Rea and Anne Malone 

Crystal Sonic Therapy Practitioner Level 2

Registered with The Complimentary Medical Association

Our senses heighten and respond to the power and magic of sound vibration the more we become in relation with our unique Crystal Alchemy Sound Bowls, embodying the wisdom imparted to us by our teachers and guides.

 A unique exploration into the world of working with our clients on an Individual basis, Crystal Sonic Therapy on a Practitioner level invites opportunities created through specific techniques to clear, unravel, unlearn and unfold pathways for those stuck in physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and/or energetic dissonance, tension, stress, trauma and injury to grounding the energy to the earth before illuminating resonance through the electromagnetic auric fields.

Vibrant sound energy is poured into the body, encouraging and directing deep healing on a cellular level, whether through the Chakra points, the Earth Star of the body or directly opening the channels to spirit, working with the intentions of the individual.

An incredibly healing journey if you are open to receive.

Trained with Genevra Jolie and Julia Scott-Russell - Crystal Sonic Practice 

Inspired by my Passion, my Teachers and my Students

The Power of Sound Healing - Level 1 

Registered with The Complimentary Medical Association

A deeper dive into the practices of ancient Tibetan wisdom teachings with the technological mastery of the Alchemy Sound Bowls. Integrating practices of intention and sound with theoretical, practical and spiritual aspects of Sound healing combining the sounds of the Alchemies with profound methods of mantra, visualisation and pure intention.

Live transmission of chanting Bija (seed) syllables with Sound vibration and a magical unfolding into the Science, Music Theory, Notes, Cents, Harmonies, Binaural Beats, Chords and a study into the Endocrine System with The Power of Sound.

Forged from the depths of the Earth, the Crystal Tones™ Alchemy Sound Bowls vibrate with pure Sound where you can feel and sense their connection with their maker; the frequencies of the bowls expanding and vibrating with resonance and harmony.

The magical alchemy of pure vibrations dancing with the molecular make up of water. When Sound becomes physical our cells react, they shift and travel along and through the pathways of our inner labyrinths.

Trained with Lama Brian Hilliard and Shannon van Staden – Crystal Singing Bowls Europe

Inspired by my Passion, my Teachers and my Students

The Power of Sound Healing - Level II

Registered with The Complimentary Medical Association

Travelling the labyrinth of ‘Discovering the Secrets of the Universe’, a fascinating in-depth transmission into the music theory of sound and applying that practically with the Crystal Alchemy Bowls. Learning how to create specific yet progressive experiences by tuning into the resonance of the space created by playing two different bowls and notes, known as ‘The Eight stages of the Intervals’ The quality of the journey of each ‘Stage” enhancing the artistry of the sound healing practices.

Exploring the Chakras through visualisation, affirmation and resonance of the Bowls, to flirting with Rhythm and touching on the introduction of combining other musical instruments as well as drifting into applying the vibrational resonance of the Seasons and the Elements.

We travel from the beginning, to the middle, then to the end to Transform from where we begun, inviting Harmony, Consonance and Dissonance so that we can ‘Unlearn’ all the things that we ‘Learnt’ along the way.

An inspiring gift of knowledge, humour and authentic genuineness expertly navigated by Brian and Shannon.

Trained with Lama Brian Hilliard and Shannon van Staden – Crystal Singing Bowls Europe

Inspired by my Passion, my Teachers and my Students

Tantra - Lineage

Shiva is Adiyogi, the very first Yogi. In Tantra, Yoga ultimately originates from Shiva and Shakti –the concept and practice of Yoga was born from their essence. Yoga has since been churned, translated, interpreted, taught and embodied for centuries in sacred texts, ideologies and philosophies since its origin in the East before making its journey to the West.

As a Shiva Shakti ‘Upasani’ (Devotee) my life experiences, devotion, studies and trainings are heavily influenced by Tantra, the lineage of non-dual philosophy of Kashmiri Shaivism. Tantra was considered a ‘revolution’ in 600 AD. A movement introducing liberation and the honouring of the body as the universe, as a temple, where every external expression is a reality of the inner world. A celebration of life, discovering sensuality, using the senses as a gateway to discover the beauty of the earth. Nature (Prakriti) is the manifestation of Shakti.

Tantra is based on the magic dance between Shiva (energy) and Shakti (matter), each a dual aspect. When that duality dissolves, there is union, a fusion. This unity can only be born from duality ‘to become one’ (Tantra) rather than ‘to be one’ (Vedas) – feel the difference? Result is the same but the process is different. We are the expression of Shiva Shakti unified in every cell, heart, mind, soul and spirit. Every pulse of life, every dance, is an offering to the sacred divine.

My personal practice and teaching style embodies the weaving of Tantra into asana, pranayama, mediation, mythology, storytelling, mantra, mudra and all aspects of Bhakti Yoga

Inspired by my Culture, Heritage and Ancestry

Hatha -  RYT 200

"When the yogin or yogini gives herself over to Shiva/Shakti, the sun and moon come up in the central channel."

Yoga Spandakarika by Daniel Odier

 Hatha yoga is the child of Tantra. Once the body was worshipped in Tantra, Hatha Yoga was born. Its meaning in Sanskrit is 'sun' (ha) and 'moon' (tha), which together mean ‘forceful’. 

The classical texts describe Hatha Yoga as the practice that involves the body and movement (asana) with breathing exercises (pranayama); a way to balance opposing energies and unite the mind (Ida – the moon/left), the body (Pingala – the sun/right) and the self (Sushumna – the central channel). 

From the Tantric lens, Hatha honours the polar dance of life. Since before time, our relationship to Shiva (the sun) and Shakti (the moon) offers the primordial teachings of the opposites of creation and destruction, and the sustaining balance between the two. Hatha is the unification and meeting point between solar and lunar qualities. 

Hatha Yoga is incorporated into my classes for all levels and abilities.

Trained and inspired by Wenche Kraag Beard and Eva Kristlova 

Inspired by all of my teachers


Anusara Elements - RYT 300

Anusara in Sanskrit means 'Flowing with Grace', which can be interpreted as 'to be in the flow', 'the soul in the flow of the universe' or 'the rivers of Shiva Shakti'.

An elegant system of five Universal Principles of Alignment, it is rooted in the non-dual Tantric philosophy of Kashmiri Shaivism – that everything is an expression of consciousness combining body, mind and spirit. For me, it is the integration between Hatha and Vinyasa; exploring the magical spectrum of life, celebrating all of its polarity and diving deep into the non-dual Tantric philosophy:

Shiva: The energies of the solar as pure consciousness – strong, focused, logical, steady and still. Shiva is the shape of the pose, the action of hugging muscles to the bones.

Shakti: The energies of the lunar as the expression and vibration of that consciousness – intuitive, dynamic, open, light, free and creative. Shakti is organic energy, the action of lengthening of the bones and muscles outwards to express. 

When these energies unite as one, this is the state of non-dual tantra – the pause at the top of the inhale and at the end of the exhale. 

The principles of Anusara are embodied in my personal practice and teaching style. My classes are generally for mixed-level abilities, allowing students to explore the kramas of the pose to experience peak states.

Trained and inspired by Bridget Woods Kramer

Inspired by Sally Kempton and Ananda Leone

Prana Vinyasa and Soulful Wellness Guide - RYT 300

The next organic deep dive was to embrace, embody and integrate the kinesthetic intelligence and somatic experience of living Prana Vinyasa, on and off the mat.

Rooted deeply in the Tantric wisdom  - ‘Vibration is creation, Spanda Shakti’ - Prana Vinyasa is an integration of body consciousness with heart wisdom, interwoven with spirituality. It is primarily the embodiment of the flow through the five movements of Prana (Pancha Vayus), waking our inner intelligence to bring us into connection with our own divinity, to source, the bindu of our own sacred geometry.

Cultivated through the science of the Three Part Vinyasa ™, we learn to connect to the river as the current of Prana – becoming river guides in our life and only then to our students.  Syncopating with the pulse of life, the Namaskars are creatively sequenced by Shiva Rea as a moving meditation ritual prayer and devotion offering to the Divine. 

Teaching from a place of feeling essence (Bhava) and cultivating that through the Evolutionary Foundation, Dancing Warriors, Elemental and Chakra Namaskars (and related Waves) of the Prana Vinyasa Flow™ sequences rooted in Yantra Mantra Tantra, align deeply as an alchemy of transformation.

It is not about climbing to the ‘peak pose’ in the flow sequence, but rather, it is about experiencing the ‘peak state’ within the peak pose; the duality of surrender and strength unite.

Trained and inspired by Shiva Rea

Inspired by Daniel Odier and Sally Kempton

Pranayama and Mediation - RYT 50 (and trainings above)

"Life is Breath and Breath is Life"

Ananda Leone

The inhale is Shiva, the exhale is Shakti. One cannot exist without the other; they unite in marriage in the pause between the two polarities. The breath is our life force, prana. It is what feeds our existence. 

The diaphragm is the largest muscle in the body. When it is underused, our organs starve. On the inhale, the diaphragm contracts and the abdominals relax. On the exhale, the diaphragm expands and the abdominals contract. 

Manipulating the breath in different pranayama practices and combining breath-work with meditative practices balances the nervous system; we meet the sun and moon as non-dual polarities. Exploring the kriyas, mudras, bijas and sparsha (touch) through the hathenas to expand the lung capacity. 

As the breath elongates, we start to feel the stillness. In that silence, we experience the inner state of the mind. 

“Yoga Chitta Vritti Nirodha”

Patanjali Yoga Sutras Chapter 1 vs 2

 Trained and inspired by Ananda Leone 

Inspired by all of my teachers