Everything that moves vibrates: Spanda. What we hear, feel and perceive through the ear, skin and bones is vibration, and every atom, cell, molecule, gland and organ absorbs and emits sound. Modern scientists and doctors now integrate sound vibration from crystal and Himalayan bowls as a holistic alternative and healing pathway for treating patients. 

Derived from 99.99% pure quartz, alchemised with precious gemstones, rare metals, minerals, rare earths, sound, geometry, colour and alchemy made by Crystal Tones™, the bowls amplify, transmit and store energy. 

 When the mallet chimes the bowl or moves around its rim or upper third, the sides of the bowl move back and forth, creating a vibration. The sound waves permeate the body, identifying any dissonance, stress or anxiety. The sound harmonises the frequencies so that, after several minute intervals, the body, mind, heart and belly begin to dive into deeper states of consciousness, enabling profound healing within every cell and across the nervous system.

 Sound journeys are relaxing, meditative and harmonising, often giving you what you need at the time. This may be something that you need to see, hear or feel, or an answer to something you have been searching for. The experience may not always be comfortable, and may involve an old injury, memory or experience resurfacing.

 Every experience is unique to the individual, and will differ with every sound journey.

The bowls will meet you exactly where you are.

The healing is there if you are open to it.

  • Crystal Sonic Therapy Sound Healing Sessions

    Crystal Sonic Therapy (CST) is a holistic, safe and non-invasive sound therapy that incorporates the use of alchemy crystal singing bowls with a combination of crystal sound resonance and entrainment along with gemstones, minerals and precious metals. Be prepared for a fully immersive sound experience that has a relaxing and restorative effect on our physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.

    Using specific techniques to clear disturbances within the energy field to bring release, balance and harmony to the electromagnetic field and the chakras, the intention is to enhance and stimulate the mind and body’s ability to heal itself. It is not unusual to fall asleep during the treatment as the body releases into a natural restorative process. In as little as 60 minutes, it can accomplish a full night's balanced sleep. You simply need to arrive as you are.

    Each session starts with a light refreshment and a gentle, open conversation to share intentions and desires. You will then be vocally guided into a state of deep relaxation, enabling the bowls to perform and heal. The session will end with a light refreshment and you may wish to share your experience.

    60 minutes – one individual in person: £90

  • Private Crystal Alchemy Sound Journeys

    A beautiful way to experience a soulful communication and connection through sound, share healing time with loved ones and friends, and restore and harmonise into balance.

    60/90 minutes – two individuals in person: £140/160

    For small or larger private groups, please enquire directly via email.

    Block bookings also available at a discounted rate. Please enquire directly via email.

    Public and organised sound journey events will be advertised on the Events page and on social media.

  • Aerial Crystal Alchemy Sound Sessions

    ‘Take a music bath once or twice a week for a few seasons. You will find it is to the soul what a water bath is the body.’

    Oliver Wendell Holmes Jnr (1809-1894)

    Now close your eyes and imagine being suspended from the earth in silk Aerial hammocks, head in the clouds whilst being immersed in a sonic soundscape of harmonic vibrations with the Crystal Tones™ Alchemy Sound Bowls from underneath, around the sides and over the top of you.

    Expect a truly beautiful and transformative experience from hanging in the sky in your cocoons, ensconced in silk, whilst bathed in pure sonic vibrations from the Crystal Alchemy Bowls, a butterfly emerging. Nurturing a state of deep relaxation, the Alchemy Sound Bowls will meet you exactly where you are.

    Public Sessions are located at Yoga Hook, North Finchley, London and are 90 mins long. They are advertised on the Events page and on social media.

  • Private Aerial Crystal Alchemy Sound Sessions

    Private Aerial Crystal Alchemy Sound Sessions are also available in North Finchley. Whether solo, in pairs or small groups, there are 16 silk hammocks available in the studio. Special private events can also be curated to your choice.

    A beautiful way to experience something very special and unique, to experience soulful connections through sound, share healing time with loved ones and friends, and restore and harmonise into balance.

    For single, small or larger private groups, please enquire directly via email.

Everything that moves vibrates: Spanda