Growth - Integration

Weaving together all of the different threads I’ve been unpacking in my last blogs.

Our life experiences shape us. Our choices shape us, as do the people that come in and out of our lives. I used to think that my career was my identity, it’s how I knew myself and how I expressed myself to everyone around me. My career was a substitute for my other basic needs, it was my armour. I constantly lived in my ‘Shiva’  archetype of logic, determination, resilience, strength and focus. I also embodied ‘Durga’ and was in flight and flight with my weapons of consciousness, fighting battles everyday. Highly adrenalised, intense and tunnel visioned - I lived most of my adult life this way. 

Then came along Yoga and cracked me wide open. My heart expanded, the flame in my belly ignited and I yearned to connect all the different parts that made me. For me, I was stepping into my feminine. 

Weaving sound with my Crystal Alchemy Sound Bowls has become a life changer. I’m choosing to vibrate at a different level. As I’ve grown, I have understood that I am all of these things and more. We can choose to live in a state of union between the dual polarities of our careers and our spiritual Self at either spectrum, together, united as our core, our essence. 

We do not have to give anything up nor do we actually have to lose anything. We can simply shed the outer layers and give space to the inner layers to breathe and grow from the compost. We transform that very thing. We integrate. We come back to wholeness. It’s been one hell of a journey and it’s not over yet - we keep learning and growing at different rates depending on our life experiences at that time. 

 ‘The Heart of the Yogini feeds the intellect of the Lawyer’ 

We are all these things and more x


Growth - Lawyer