Growth - Lawyer

Unpacking another layer…

I wanted to be a lawyer since I was nine years old. I saw an An episode of LA Law and said to my family that what was going to be. What the hell did I know at that age watching some fantasised episode of AmericanTV?!

No-one believed me. They humoured me.

I spent the next decade chanting ‘I am going to be a lawyer’ like a mantra. I manifested. I prayed. I was razor sharp in my focus and determination. I never wavered. I was clearly in my ‘Shiva’ archetype. I graduated with an LLB Honours degree and my parents paid a whopping £6,000 to put me through law school in 1997 in school fees alone. They now believed me. Nothing was going to stop me. Over 300 applications and a handful of rejections and mostly no acknowledgements I landed my training contract by being in the right place at the right time - it’s how these things just roll. This was clearly the Universe hearing my call through my tapas. She is benevolent and she has our backs.

I never gave up. My resilience and inner strength determination focus kept me putting one foot in front of the other. The rest is History. 

I was already Living Yoga 

Being a lawyer has been a fundamental teacher. It’s shaped so much of my personality, character, intelligence, attitude, behaviour and abundance. It’s been my foundation, my rock. I’ve achieved and over achieved, rose to top then plateaued and now I’m living the fruits of that labour. 

I’m still a lawyer and always will be. But I’m not just a lawyer, I am so much more. From this almost lifetime journey since I was nine years old to present day I’ve birthed so many incredible things because of my experiences in my career that got me here. For that I’m humbly grateful.

For now, I am enjoying working flexibly so that I can live all of the versions of my life in integration.

To be continued…


Growth - Living Yoga


Growth - Integration