Growth - Weaving Sound

Over the next few blogs - I unpack some of my journey that led to the birth of this new chapter in my life. I started off saying it was perhaps a ‘mid life crisis’ - when in fact my coach and guide suggested how about shifting perspective and in fact looking at it as a ‘mid life awakening’. I liked that. it sounded exactly what was happening.

During 2020 and in the first few months 2021, I was deep in my life storm, stripping layers of conditioning and dogma. Taking a tough but vulnerable look at myself. My authenticity was over shadowed by fear. Churning my Soul Soil, I planted some seeds. I watered them with faith, love, tenderness, devotion, courage, vulnerability and with help from some of my friends. Some seeds started to grow, some were late bloomers and some are yet to sprout. For one of my seeds, I put on my BIG GIRL PANTS, took a GIANT LEAP OF FAITH and dived right in. I birthed the start of my sound journey, weaving waves of healing sound through Crystal Tones Alchemy Sound Bowls. 

The investment was and is eye watering and I had a challenge of making peace with that so that I could follow my dreams and the call within. I wavered on the outside but inside the seed had sprouted and my flower was blossoming.  Since then, SIX incredible Alchemy Sound Bowls and a Crystal Pyramid. have chosen me and entered my life and home. They have magnified not only the vibration in my personal space, but have raised my personal vibration - syncopating with the pulse of life.

Weaving sound in intuitive play and in Crystal Sonic Therapy trained techniques has become a life changer.  Sound is VIBRATION. In Yoga, vibration is referred to as Spanda; a Pulsation, the contraction and expansion of everything. 

Never underestimate the call from within, it’s real, it’s alive, it’s magical, it’s mystical. When it arrives, and you feel it, find the stillness and courage to open the inner ears and listen - this is ‘LIVING’ Yoga. Cannot wait to share the magic of sound with you soooooon x

To be continued…


Part I - High Priestess


Growth - Living Yoga