Part I - High Priestess

PART I - St Germain Sky Divine Feminine 

I’m often asked is how I chose my Alchemy Sound Bowls - the fact is that they CHOSE ME 

What do I mean by that?

Well I had no idea which Bowls I wanted - except that, intuitively I was manifesting a set of three Alchemy Bowls that sung in Harmony. Three is a sacred number. Three are the points of the Trikona, the aspect of the Yoni, the Feminine. In fact, when I saw them, I wanted them all! Such EYE CANDY in every direction, it was like being in a sweet shop as a kid and then some.

Crystals sparkling like a rainbow.

I remember standing in the centre of the Temple of Alchemies in Greenwich. I closed my eyes and dived deep internally. I instinctively was drawn to the shelf that had all the pinks, yellow, oranges, reds and whites crystals - it was like they spoke to me, like they were very familiar. It was like they were already in my life and I had sung them before. We were communicating energetically. The energy they were vibrating had already penetrated my own bio field.

There were about thirty or so Bowls staring at me from that one shelf alone. Within minutes I walked over and picked up the Advanced Alchemy Divine Feminine St Germain Sky – SEVEN Alchemies in ONE BOWL - I mean that’s just NUTS - I knew before I heard her even sing that she was coming home with me - she is a Master Alchemy named after the German philosopher and Alchemist St Germain - the pink shiny rainbow one. 

She is made by Crystal Tones™ in the US and contains 99.9% crystal quartz alchemised with:



White Gold

Pink Gold




She is a B+45 frequency and literally blows your Crown Chakra open wide. 

We have been developing a relationship since she came into my life. I was initially fearful of her advanced alchemy magic but she has been helping me to expand my own vibration through every cell in my body - she just keeps going and going and going and beyond, so I’m learning to expand with her. She is teaching me to keep growing, to recognise when I’m stuck, to face my fears and release them with the magic of vibration so that I can reach my potential. 

She is my High Priestess crystal baby and I’m super excited to share her with you.








Part II - Authenticity


Growth - Weaving Sound