Part II - Authenticity

Part II - Peridot with Platinum

My second Crystal Alchemy made its way into my set and into my life literally minutes after my first Alchemy (High Priestess). She is a Crystal Tones™ Alchemy of Peridot (Emotional Strength), precious gemstone and Platinum (Divine Feminine) precious metal, a grounding G+45.

Her frequency resonates with the HIGHER HEART that pierces the Throat Chakra. Her vibration enables expression that may have been stuck, outwards through our speech and actions so that we can speak and live our truths - our authentic Self. Equally, her soundscape helps integrate that very vibration downwards into the central channel and out through the Muladhara (our base chakra), into the earth.

Again, similar to how my High Priestess Alchemy (see Part I on my Blog page) came into my life, it was a glance in her direction. My eyes locked on the incredibly shiny rainbow colour as she was glistening in the sunshine rays that were streaming in through the windows of the Temple of Alchemies. Intuitively, I picked her up and instantly felt the vibration reverberating through every part of my senses as I held her close to my heart.

I then learnt she was a ‘Rebirth’ Alchemy. Not quite perfect as she had been wounded, a crack in her base that had been subsequently repaired by Crystal Tones™ - knowing this made me want her event MORE. To me, she was imperfectly perfect. Rebirth was profoundly turning out to be one of my themes of 2021, so our connection was very timely.

I felt High Priestess and Authenticity were perfect match - my harmonic set were coming together.

I had already blown my budget - I couldn’t even comprehend the investment - it felt eye watering indulgent - my heart was beating fast and I was torn with my mind interfering with logic telling me that I couldn't spend thousands of pounds on Alchemy Sound Bowls. Was this just another ‘Sonal fad”? How serious was I? Was this another distraction and I was just trying to fill a void in my life? - so many thoughts went through my mind. I mean this was SERIOUS investment! I closed my eyes and I went inside. I tenderly asked the brain in my heart and the brain in my belly with what their true desire was.

We hold the answers within us but our fears and insecurities will search for validation and reassurance outside of ourselves in others.

Money is an exchange of energy. Whilst I will always save for that rainy day, I know I want to LIVE now and in the PRESENT.

The vibration of the Alchemies were sending crystal magic sparkles trough me - I had goosebumps when I heard them sing individually and together, they sent flutters into my heart and belly. I found that nugget of faith, held on to it and allowed my heart and belly guide me - I kept going.

It is no coincidence that this Alchemy came into my life when she did - I was strengthening my own emotional muscles to stand on my own to feet as I was climbing out of my storm at the beginning of 2021 - this is what she she resonates - Emotional Strength.

I call this DIVINE TIMING.

She is incredibly powerful and her sound waves will meet you exactly where YOU are.

To be continued…


Part III - Unconditionality


Part I - High Priestess