Part III - Unconditionality

Part III - Grandmother Rose Quartz 

It was incredible how quickly I became the Guardian of High Priestess and Authenticity (see previous blogs). I didn’t think for a second it would be this easy. Yet, I had only one more bowl to choose from the vast array in the Temple of Alchemies to complete my set of three - but there were over 50 plus bowls all shining bright and staring right back at me. 

How do I choose? I learnt, you don’t, they choose YOU.

Brighitta Moser-Clark knew without hesitation and handed me this little beauty from the top shelf - I hadn’t even noticed her but she knew it would complete my Harmonic Set and play a Chord in musical terms when all three were sung together; a D note in +45 frequency. Yet her intuition turned out to more powerful than perhaps she even expected in that moment when making that connection.

As soon as Brighitta said this was a ‘Grandmother Rose Quartz’ alchemy aligning with the Sacral Chakra - I immediately said ‘NO’! The resistance was fierce and I asked to leave her it to one side. I didn’t want her to put it back on the top shelf. Interesting reflection (or not). We both acknowledged my gut reaction with our eyes and the silence in that moment was louder than words could ever be. I then spent ages going round the Temple of Alchemies trying to find that third alchemy to complete my set (I soon discover that the set is never quite ‘complete’).

I picked up a number of bowls and was particularly drawn to the clear white crystals bowls but none of them sung in a harmonic chord with the other two. However, my eyes kept wandering back to this clear pink bowl with small bubbles, a unique characteristic when it was created by Crystal Tones™. Something stirred in my heart and belly (no shit Sherlock!) and I knew in every cell of my being that she was the one that would complete the TRIKONA, the sacred triangle of the Feminine, of the Yoni of my 3 alchemies. 

Later, I pondered my initial reaction when I first held her - I closed my eyes, regulated by breath with awareness and yogic techniques and listened. I listened to my heart and belly with all of my super powers. I heard her telling me what I needed to TRANSFORM in my OWN life. It became so obvious that I had been numbing my own Feminine for years, I had dimmed my expressive creativity, joy and sensuality for over a decade.

This magical alchemy was telling me that it was finally time to wake up! to wake up to the Shakti dwelling inside me.

Durga will always be my archetype but she doesn’t always have her weapons of consciousness raised for attack and protection creating a wall. They are often nestling beside her pointing to the earth, in benevolence and in grace. I realise that I too, can disarm my alpha female shield but remain strong in my Feminine with an air of softness and vulnerability shining bright and illuminating my strength.

This alchemy is a Master Healer - she has been healing me. Full of Unconditional Love from Rose Quartz, she vibrates the Wisdom of the Sages, the Ancestors, the Goddess and of the Crone in the ‘Grandmother’ element (iron).

She requires nurturing when I play her - she takes a while to pick up sound, much longer than the rest of my alchemies. She is teaching me to nurture myself, to love myself unconditionally and to trust in my own wisdom. That to be strong requires a softness, a vulnerability.

She is my ‘YIN’ WOMB BOWL

To be continued…


Part II - Authenticity